Monday, January 16, 2012

My father has end stage liver disease - how much time does he have left?

My father is 53 years old and has just been diagnosed with end stage liver disease. Unknown to the family, he had been diagnosed with Hepatitis C nearly 10 years ago and never sought treatment. He was in ICU on a ventilator and bleeding from his nose and mouth for about a week, he is now at home. His abdomen is very swollen (he looks 9 months pregnant), and his bloodwork and ammonia levels are all out of whack. When he was in the hospital, they said in order to be put on the list for a liver transplant he had to be alcohol free for 6 months. He can't be put on the list because the doctors said he doesn't have 6 months left to live, but this is the only sort of time frame we've been given. I moved out of state in February and it is hard for me to get up there to visit him, as it's either a 14 hour drive or a very expensive plane ticket. I just wish I could know how much time he has left. Any input or help at all is much appreciated . . . feel free to email me as well. Thanks.


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