Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Is there more crime in racially diverse cities?
My town is a small town and has become more racially diverse since i moved here 12 years ago and the crime rate has skyrocketed, we used to leave our doors and cars unlocked, now you can't even warm your car up without chance of it being stolen, in addition to several home invasions, drug busts etc...
What is the name of this book? 10 pts!?
I read it in junior high or late elementary. It is about a boy(?) who lives on the moon(?) because they had to move away from Earth (pollution?). It is written like your typical apocalyptic/Geroge Orwell type book though it may have been geared towards a younger audience. The main character was definetely school age because one part of the book describes what he sees out the school room window or sees around the school yard. He may have been British also? I remember that they may have also made a movie out of it too. It would have been made somewhere between 1970-1999. Any clues? Thanks!
Questions about recovering from torn acl's.?
body needs time to repair itself.Doctors UN fortunately do not use the prevention of vitamins and minerals in their treatments.I take two thousand mil of calcium half magnesium vitamins A & D & C ,potasium .If you are younger and you do not let it heal properly ,it will bother you all your life.You may even deveolp arthritis.You will know when it comes back because of preformance and pain.
I'm me with this english question.?
The new GPS (Global Positioning System) mapping technology was developed for people who can't read. The loggers and other people who want the land can't simply take it because the illiterate people can now see precisely which land belongs to them. Before GPS, they would be taken advantage of because they had no way to verify their bounaries.
Your opinions on my poem/song?
Don't worry about the mean answer, it's pretty good! I'd like to hear it with a song. If you ever get it up, send me a link to a youtube video or somthing. anyways, it rhymes, and its a thousand times better than anything i could ever do, so, keep it up!
Canned food: How long can you consume past shelf date?
Technically, 30 to 40 years if there is no damage to the can, but I won't eat it. I am afraid the metal from the can will leak into the food
Kevin Gotti: Italian Mafia What happen to Kevin Gotti? Is he dead or in jail? Was he murdered?
Kevin Gotti: Nephew of the popular mob boss John Gotti. Even though he was young and inexperienced, He was ahead of his time. Only age 28 now he is still showing leader boss skills, Kevin Gotti of Bronx, New York is one of the most ruthless people in New York City and is showing mafia style skills in his own fashion. The mob in nyc died down when John "Taper Don" Gotti was taking down and locked up where he died in 2002, Kevin Gotti was starting to make a name for himself and all watching thought the Gotti legacy lived on but in 2007 Kevin Gotti now 28 disappeared and was unheard of ever again. Is he dead or locked up? Maybe had a change of heart and decided to live a normal life outside the spotlight. Last I heard he moved to the midwest in Oklahoma City but who knows? Maybe it was for the best, Maybe the mob is really dead.
The toilet is fickle?
our main toilet is fickle. when we flush the toilet...the little stopper does not always go down to cut off water. my mother with dementia has the toilet running all night with the water running..lets just say.our water bill is twice as much cuz of this little toilet. i took the tank top off and everything looks good. i hate to have to spend hundreds of dollars for a two minute repair..i am a dolt at there something i can put on the hinge area of the stopper?. i cleaned the area but as i said the devise is their some 'gunk' to place around this hinge thingy to make the devise smooth running and not so fickle in operation..this is not rocket appreciated.
Written Poem - Need feedback on
i read the first few lines then got bored didn't read the rest but i have a very short attention span so am sure it is very good
Period or implantation bleeding?
I've had irregular periods for about 5 years now, i went over a year without one and then finally started back march 22-23 and it lasted about week ending on the night of the 29th but it was very light and off and on the whole time then that following friday i started it again lasted until sunday morning it was mostly just spotting very light pink. I now have very bad stomach cramps nausea and i have been very tired for the past 2 days. eating seems to help with the nausea a little bit but thats the only thing that has. someone told me that it might not have been a period it could have been implantation bleeding since it was very light and spotty, my husband and i have been trying to conceive for over a year with no luck since i haven't had normal periods
Yugioh tournaments in wisconsin?
I live in beaver dam, 45 miles north of madison, and i was wondering if there were any weekly or monthly tournaments around here that i could partake in until regionals are back on. thanx for the help in advance
Is Sarah Palin Very Ruthless in Her Campaign Speeches?
She just tries to stir up animosity among a crowd of not-so-bright supporters. I don't think she's trying to be ruthless. She knows what the key words and phrases are that Republicans want to hear and she uses them over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
Hi my husband got bacterial meningitis in June he got better?
and has went back to work but in the last month has no been himself he has a very poor memory and is very snappy with me and the kids really im jst askin is this normal???
Fast food nation artifact?
I have to make a tangible artifact for the book Fast Food Nation. Have any ideas? I need it to be easy to make.
Weird Car Troubles! Is it my alternator? If so, which one do I need? Pleeeeese Help!?
Forget the 140/124 amps part. Rebuilders use any housing they can find. The first thing I would look for is a bad ground. Or try clipping a temp ground from the frame to the engine. Or start up and pull fuses one by one until the gauge stays steady.
[HEALTH PROFESSIONALS] please answer my questionnaire?? (13questions)?
i do not think anyone here will answr this for you..better use some online research help from some website like which i used for mine and find it very helpful., but remember that it is always recommend to write ur own paper unless and until u believe that u need some serious help from someone who is an expert and thtz why i used this online writing service for my paper. I know a number of mates in my uni who use this website for their ignments and itz gud in grading
My weekly schedule is booked!?
The only days I can work out are Monday, Thursday, and Saturday [for about 2 hours] I do full body workouts. Are these days awkward to work out? Meaning I do one day then rest 2 days do another day and then only rest one day in between. Is this bad to do or ineffective of building muscle?
Dragon Age: Origins Help. Activating Shale?
Alrighty, so I got the rod, I got to the town, and I attempted to activate Shale. It failed. The phrase I use is, "Dulef Gar" which I know is wrong. The correct phrase, which I've read in on, is, "Dulen Harn." But it's not like I can go into the game and change it myself. I find it reasonable, because the merchant dude said that he wasn't sure of it, so I said, "Ok." And was off. So you'd think I just return to him, right? Well I can't. His spot is off of the map. Did he go somewhere? I checked the party camp and he wasn't to be found. Can anyone help?
I'm trying to find out if my uncle died or not?
As far as i know he died but now there's talk he may still be alive the last i knew i got told he was in scotland he was born in 1928 and the last time my nanna saw him was 1944 he was called alfred f.c. nicholas i would be gratful for any help thank you
My babys dad only wants to know when it suits him??Have you any advice for me?
1 thing is 4 sure ur kids have u ad that,s all that will matter,s ull will no wat 2 do ur self when it comes down 2 it go by u own taughts
College Party Ideas/stories needed?
I know this isn't the answer you want, but I just read all of it and had a GOOD laugh. I don't know if you're serious but that was funny.
When i go hiking in hear a short rattling sound in bushes?
I go hiking off small trails in southeren california. Primarly irvine park, santiago oaks regional and i hear a rattling sound? I do not believe it is a rattlesnake, but do bugs make this sound?
I am currently working on Pascal's wager. I know that it is a Valid Argument.?
I'm having a hard time to seeing if it logically sound or logically unsound. So which one is it and why?
Individual Tax write off's, paid collection debts?
If one has settled ( with the collection agency, and has the letter stating no further responsibility to the account) an unsecured debt that went to collections, can that be written off on a tax return?
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Who are some players with really bad behavior?
I already know terrell owens, randy moss, roethlisberger, vick, please give me some more. Oh and i also know about Pacman and plaxico.
HELP!!!!! Quick!!!!!!CAN YOU DO MY History PlEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ************BEST ANSWER 10 POINTS ***********?
The best help I can be is to try to encourage you to not cheat by having others do your homework for you. Why not just sit down and read the book and think! Who will take your test for you?
What is a Spiritual Israelite?
What the vast majority of people who talk about spiritual Israelite's mean is a replacement kind of Israelite. See, there's several versions of spiritual Israelite's. Some are referring to those people who they believe are descendants of the tribes of israel "lost" long ago. What is called Israel now, usually referred to a Jews are people from one half of long ago Israel consisting mostly of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin with various Levites in there too. There would have been smatterings of people from the other 9 tribes thrown in here and there too. Most (non-Messianic) Jews do not recognized Israel as being other than those descended (or converted) to Judaism. But real Christianity says that when we are born again (or "born from above" is the preferred term for most Hebrew minded folks) we become literal members of Israel, not spiritual. This is not an acceptable belief to the nation of Israel. But just as every time some secular court decides to grant a decree of divorce it's not necessarily God's opinion too, so too, on whom is israel and who isn't. The New Covenant writings state 12 tribes of Israel will exist end times (it's in the Book of Revelations). For that to happen, more than "spiritual" Israel wil have to exist. And a whole lot more than just members of the Tribes of Judah (known now as Jews) Benjamin and Levites. The Catholic Church believes it is spiritual Israel (as do a whole lot more groups) because they believe (officially) that God rejected the Jews for rejecting Jesus and so they believe they now have replaced Israel and have invented their own versions of the Mosaic Law with it's blessings for obedience (to Rome) and curses for disobedience. It's one of the main reasons for their belief in the need to obtain (literally) a priests pardon for each and every transgression. A lot of their rules are based on the principles that can be found in the law of Moses but it's been embellished a thousand times with tons of offshoots too. That's the reason for most of their basic rituals which mirror Jewish ones of antiquity. The Chalice of most Churches is actually the same cup that can be found at any Pover Seder (Jewish) observance. The robes of Orthodox Christianity are replications of Israel's High Priests outfits, complete with linen ephods. It's rude to Judaism but that was why the Sunday Sabbath doctrine was invented and promoted by both Rabbi's and Christian leaders back in the 300-400 after Christ, to separate the two. But as far a "spiritual" Israelite, there are only real Israelites, to be a spiritual one you have to actually physically be one. We do not have our bodies outside the kingdom of God and our spiritual stuff inside. Unfortunately, (for God) we come to Him as whole creatures, body and soul.
Pregnancy Symptoms...? Very Confused?
I have missed two periods, and there has been allot of weird things that have been happening to me. I used to gag constantly, but it has toned down a little bit. Whenever someone talks about velveeta cheese *gag* or I smell guacamole, i start dry heaving, until i eventually throw up. Every once in a while, I'll have this ache/twinge in my lower left stomach. It's not really painful, but I know it's there. Same with headaches. Except for one time, when i felt it coming on, so i fell asleep, but it woke me up in the middle of the night and it felt like something was stabbing me in the eye. I have a job, and I've noticed that I get winded, light headed, and dizzy easily. And I can't wear any extra clothing or stay inside for to long, or else I get over heated. I went out in negative degree weather in shorts and tank top and it felt amazing. Another thing I noticed, just came up about a week ago, that my are very sinsitive. My boyfriend touched them, and I fliched back because it hurt allot! And then he swore that he tasted milk, which I don't believe at all. My friend keeps telling me that I am, and that she knows the signs of pregnancy because she has a son. I took two home pregnancy tests, both negative, about one week after my missed period and then another a week after that... I also went to the doctors, and they made me do a piss test, when I asked them to do a blood test. They called me a few days later, and said it was negative. Is it possible that I might be pregnant, but it's to early to do tests? Or could I be getting false negatives? The doctors I went to work at Kaiser Permenente, if that makes a difference?
I want to buy a snake! Advice?
Not all pet snakes are to be kept the exact same way. Some snakes are tropical, desert, forest edge or, semi/aquatic in nature, Depending on the type of snake you wish to care for as a pet, you will need to provide cage and habitat conditions that will naturally support it. Having a pet snake is a long term commitment. Your pet snake deserves the best care that you can possibly give it. Again, depending on the type of pet snake you wish to keep, the life spans of the snake can vary. Ball pythons, for example, can live up to 30 years if they are cared for properly. They are among the longest living snake species. Other species may have much shorter life spans. There are only a few small species of snakes that eat insects, small fish, frogs and small lizards.The popular snakes in the pet trade will eat rodents. Small mammals are fed to the larger snakes like adult boas and burmese pythons. The most popular technique used for feeding snakes is the frozen/thawed method.
Question about staying up late?
One of the greatest things in life that I look forward to is night time. I always stay up late, even as a child I would always get in trouble by my parents for staying up late as they would always force me to be in bed at a certain time period. This habit has never left me, it is who I am. But, I have read Benjamin Franklin's famous quote, "early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise." I have put this into consideration as a contribution to hindering my success in life, but I have also put into consideration Ren� Descartes opinion on the subject, Descartes (one of the greatest mathematicians/philosophers who ever lived) said that one of his favorite things in life that he enjoyed was to stay up late at night. I have put both of these genius/successful men's opinions into consideration. What do you think? Does sleeping early have anything to do with success in life? or is it negligible?
Travel calm tablets for cats?
get serinum it's a herbal remedy it worked for my small dog and i know you can get it for cats too it calms them down and no after affects good luck with your move hope this helps
Who are to you the top 10 rappers/hip-hop artist of all time? besides (2pac, rakim, bigge, and krs)?
My mare off the race track "broke her maiden" at Santa Anita...?
When a horse breaks their 'maiden' it only means that they have won their first race. No matter how many times it races before until she won her first race she will be a maiden, it doesn't even matter how old she is.
What is the picking on guitar for Misguided Ghosts by Paramore?
I'm learning how to play Misguided Ghosts by Paramore, and I've learned the chords but now I just want to know the picking on guitar. The videos that I've been finding are the rhythm guitars that just play the full on chord, but I want to play the picking part. So does anyone know? Can I have some help?
Why do people believe in God?
I personally do not believe in god. The idea of god is nonsense to me, and I don't understand why others delude themselves into believing in god. I'm not against religion by any means, but i believe it teaches us to be content with not understanding the world. So why do people believe in god?
Needing some advice for dealing with girl?
be a man and tell her trust me more women would not do the same thing men take rejection all the time and still keep asking thats what makes you a desired man. (confidence)
How do creationists explain this?
Also Guniea pigs, Fruit eating bats among others far from our 'family tree' have this 'disabled gene'. This "common material" is the result not of evolution but of "common design," that is, of their being created upon the same plan.
Ummm help?
Ok, I know this is weird question, but it there anything that you would "reccomend" for masturbating? A lot of people say they find it "pleasurable" but what do they use. I know, I know, weird question, but I need help please.
Dog Territorial Barking Issue?
I would absolutely take her to an obedience cl before she gets worse. Not only will she get the up close socialization and training she needs but you will have the opportunity to learn methods that will help her focus on you rather than the distractions of other dogs. Make sure to alert the trainer to her problems before cl, they might offer to work with you a few minutes before cl to give you a few tips to help you get started. Good luck. Bully breeds like the pit need a firm but gentle hand and need problems addressed immediately before they become issues. You shouldn't have to much trouble though cos they are also smart as heck :)
Fantasy Football WR's?
I would bench austin until he shows you something, im leaning toward bowe, he has been doing better these last few weeks
What is the difference between Protestants and Werboro Baptists.?
The only difference I can see is that the Westboro Baptists are more honest and open about their ignorance, hatred, and bigotry. The other Protestants pay lip service to peace and love and acceptance in public but then spout the same hateful vitriol as Phelps in the privacy of their homes.
Can Mac's Mail software do an "Away" message?
I'm going on vacation for 10 days. My computer is staying at home. Can Macintosh's Mail program do an "Out of Office" or "Away" message like Microsoft Outlook can? I'm thinking not, but thought I'd ask.
So... what is it?
let things happen naturally.subtly feel him out let him know you r interested in moving to next level. But make sure thats what u want cuz u dont wanna loose your best friend in the process dont give up all your game ever! GOOD LUCK
Can someone explain my sisters behaviour?
Sweetheart, if I could explain that I would be a millionaire! I have a sister who is equally insane, I guess it is just paet of their delusion and dysfunctional minds.
Best Clubs In Barcelona?
i really enjoyed maremagnum on the harbour there. It is about 4 clubs in one and all along the same area are lots of other clubs where they give you free drinks-we just walked along all of them, took their free drinks and kept going! great times, ive been back over 10 times now!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
My father has end stage liver disease - how much time does he have left?
My father is 53 years old and has just been diagnosed with end stage liver disease. Unknown to the family, he had been diagnosed with Hepatitis C nearly 10 years ago and never sought treatment. He was in ICU on a ventilator and bleeding from his nose and mouth for about a week, he is now at home. His abdomen is very swollen (he looks 9 months pregnant), and his bloodwork and ammonia levels are all out of whack. When he was in the hospital, they said in order to be put on the list for a liver transplant he had to be alcohol free for 6 months. He can't be put on the list because the doctors said he doesn't have 6 months left to live, but this is the only sort of time frame we've been given. I moved out of state in February and it is hard for me to get up there to visit him, as it's either a 14 hour drive or a very expensive plane ticket. I just wish I could know how much time he has left. Any input or help at all is much appreciated . . . feel free to email me as well. Thanks.
My injured/sick horse?
You don't say whether the injured leg was a front or rear leg. uming it was a front leg, and that the skin infection you are referring to might have been cellulitis, which is the spread of infection within the skin and subcutaneous tissues, the swelling in his shoulder may be related and could be an abscess. Was the entire leg swollen? I'm not sure what you mean by the same skin irritation that he had on his leg. I thought the leg issue was an injury? Was there also a skin condition such as scratches? It would be helpful if you add to your question with more details including which leg was affected and what the injury was and the nature of the skin irritation.
A question about Custody and the Texas Atty. Gen. Office. ?
I think you are definitely going to need an attorney on this one. They usually will let you make a payment up front and then monthly payments, at least mine did. Sounds like you have your head on your shoulders. Great that you want the kids with you in your home. It is such a difficult thing, kids from a broken home. My boys are still adjusting to our new life with my boyfriend and his two daughters. Good luck. -- In Texas too.
Bizarre: How would you handle this?
A couple of years ago, I was walking down the street and a person came out from nowhere. I'm a person that normally doesn't ociate myself with people that are not intuitive and don’t have a sharp mind. I just don't bother at all. But this one person didn’t particularly seem to fit that category and I gave him a shot. His approach was pleasant and we spoke and exchanged numbers. I had this overwhelming feeling that things were all right but they weren't. I immediately told him that I'm only looking for friendship and nothing more. He agreed and explained about his misfortunes and things that occurred in his life. I questioned his agenda and wanted to know what made him tick. He mentioned to me that he had a child and wasn't with his ex-girlfriend any more and wanted a clean slate. So, he introduced me to his family and they were very nice. But I still didn't feel right about the whole situation. I knew that something was up because nobody could be that nice. I was truly thrown for a loop. His family gave me big hugs. Quite naturally, there's nothing wrong with that and some people are naturally good people. l Anyway, we spoke on the phone back and forth and things were pretty good. He told me about things in his personal life that were too intense to bear but he over came them. He has bipolar disorder but I've never seen the symptoms trigger or anything while he was in my presence. We lost contact over a year and a half ago and reunited again. I spoke to him and he was very glad to hear from me. He invited me to a family function but called later to say that there weren’t available seats in the car. I was thinking to myself that he should have had all this settled before he set arrangements. Then I had an event coming up and I asked if he could come. His response on the phone was, "Yeah I'll think about." That was rude but he surprised me and came and I was shocked. The fourth of July came around the corner and I received news from him that he wasn't going to be in town and was seeking a job. The next day he called me frantically by phone to let me know of his departure. I was upset because he was going to be gone for over a year. I was thinking to myself, maybe this is a big sign. When he finally reached his destination, I was pleased to know that he was all right. He spoke about the job status and how he was alienated. We spoke for a considerable amount of time and he said how he wanted me to visit him. I wasn't sure about that because (Number 1), I didn't have the money and (Number 2), I'm just getting to know this guy. He swore up and down that he would pay the expenses and how I would feel if I slept in the same sleeping quarters with him. This was truly absurd and is truly bold to ask someone. Before this question, I asked information about his room phone number and his response was you already have my cell. I knew that something definitely was not right now, because if you're a friend you want to make sure that everything is alright with that individual. Stories continued to shift back and forth and two weeks went by and his number appeared on my caller ID. I immediately picked up the phone and there was a lady on the other side. So, I hanged up and thought about it and called back again. Indeed, it was the same person responding to his number. We all know this is shenanigans and was done on purpose. To give the illusion that there was someone else in the picture. A month went past and I never received a call back and wasn't going to push it. Ironically, I saw a relative of his and the very next day he decided to call me. And I know we hear this all the time, but he never intended on calling me back. His family encouraged him to do so, that was obvious. I don't like holding grudges so we spoke and he said he was sorry about the episode. I said to him, “I was concerned about him and wanted to know what happened.” He didn't really explain anything and I knew the friendship was over. We spoke the previous day but from then on, that was it. I don't understand what's with people’s heads. You don't even have to go with them for them to have casual attitudes. I'm taking a break from trying to have friendships for now. To me, people are too cynical. Maybe it's not good to connect with anyone at all. What are your thoughts on this?
Which would you choose , Scotland, Rangers or Celtic?
If you had the choice for this year would you pick Scotland to win their Qualifying group or Celtic/Rangers to win the SPL oh yeah and Ahem Killie of course
Are any of these movies worth watching?
ok do NOT watch phonebooth that movie was some $h!t it was sooo awful and i think it was like 2 hrs or w/e the whoolee friken time hes on the phone with some creepy stalker and gets shot in the ear and blah blah NOT WORTH WATCHING THAT MOVIE AT ALL
What do women REALLY do when strangers grope them? pls read detail...?
thats what pepper spray is for. i'd seriously cause a huge scene call the cops, scream at the top of my lungs, the whole bit. i would do everything in my power to let other people around me know what was going on in the hopes that the pervert would be arrested, or at least so that other people would know what was going on in case he was able to get away before the cops came.
Removing all the A/C stuff on an 86 chevy truck?
me and my buddy are going to do this, since hes got a 305 and the a/c dosent work. plus all the smog stuff, can all of this be removed and the truck still run (only because its an 86).
Repayment on bank loan?
i got a loan from vijaya bank 6 lakh -int 9.5%-3yrs-emi is 19200-last month i paid 1.2 lakhs towards the loan and still i need to pay monthly same amount as instalment-can any one help me to make understand
Why do i dislike my parents so much?
try having a night where you just talk to them and share your feelings. make a rule for this "talk" that no one interrupt that way you all can understand each other. best of luck.
Outlook 2003 - Can I install two domain names on the same computer?
Yes of course you can. regard it as a phone system in your two phone house, both phones ring, if you were to pick up both they would both work. .. your two address are the limit. It would help you to understand if you go to the top tool bar while in outlook, click the little drop-down arrow attached to "Send/receive" tab, that's the little arrow to the right of that tab. here you'll see that you can call up all your mail from different address or choice to call different address's singularly...In short, yes you can do what you are trying to do, its designed that way
Ok long long story...we (my hubby?
& myself are taking his ex to court for sole custodial custody and joint legal custody because of a number of things like the fact that the children are not allowed to be a part in any way of their community...his son has been failing in school for all 4 years that he has been in school(have transcripts to prove it) and she refuses to get him any kind of tutoring or anything saying she dosent have any money..but she just took a trip to the bahamas 2 weeks you guys think we have a chance of winning this and what is the best way to do it? Also she refuses to buy them new clothes except for once a year..but buys herself clothes like every week...etc.
How can i remove a hickey?
I am frantically searching the Internet in hopes of discovering a way to remove this hickey from my neck.
Can anyone find (or make) a simple piece by piece synopsis of the stimulus package?
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What's the most dangerous animal on earth?
There are various criteria for "dangerous": Overall likelihood of attack, likelihood of attack if actually encountered, likelihood of surviving an attack if it occurs, and likely degree of recovery in case of survival. So to get a good answer, you'd have to specify which criteria you're using. The animal that I'd least like to encounter would be an irukandji box jellyfish.
How do I adjust the carburetor on my brush saw?
My saw is spewing out blue smoke, more than it should anyhow. I use correct fuel/oil ratio, so I think it must the the carb settings. Which screw do I adjust and do I turn it left or right?
X Factor, Should the Sweer Girl with the Blonde/Black Hair Have gone through?
she was lovely but her voice wasn't that good i think with some training and if she gets control over her nerves she'd be great!!
Any ideas for topics for teaching the creative curriculum for this term to year 5?
I am looking for an interesting topic to use as the basis for a creative curriculum idea this term for my West London Y5 Cl. Any ideas or advice would be appreciated. The topic should be able to cover Literacy, Art, Drama, DT and Humanities
Can the president of South Africa get involved in Zimbabwe?
Some of us has heard of the recent crisis going on in Zimbabwe (a Southern African country). Is it possible for the president of South Africa to get involved in the crisis? And try to put a stop to it? Please say why, or why not. Best Answer to the most detailed answer.
Song???? helppppppp meeee?
my cousin was playin this song but shes annoying and wont tell me the title... i dont know whos it by but it goes lik "j boogie lemme use your phone gotta call my baby back at home she means the world to me" and then "cuz youre my everything"
I am unhappily married. What do I do?
I have been married for 15 years. My husband is aloof. He seems so along for the ride it is making me unhappy & insane. I pay the bills, work, arrange vacations, plan my retirement, am working toward my degree so I can have a better career, disciple the kids, decorate, wash the cars, etc. My husband watches sports. I feel like I run circles around him. We don't have , has been a non-issue for years. I know he can't take care of himself, but I could manage more eaily in life if he weren't around to feed, clean up after and clothe! The second I say something about it, he gets pissy, makes remarks as to how perfect I think I am, and clams up for sometimes months on end! We have been to counseling, he wont go anymore. What do I do? How can I put it without him misunderstanding? I am neither saying I am perfect, nor that he is a loser, just that I would be happier living my own life rather than planning his for him while I walk around him. I'm not sure he could even live on his own.
Can anyone help me find a knit beret pattern?
the kind i specifically want are the kind they have at hot topic. that kinda slouch in the back. can anyone help me find a good pattern for this???
What's up with this guy?! Please help (male perspective very welcome).?
Hi guys. I've been dating a guy for about a month. We'd fancied each other since we met a few months before and he finally asked me out. He was keen to tell me right from the start that he's looking for a relationship. I wasn't so sure about what I wanted but he said he was happy to take things at my pace. He wasn't pushing for and seemed understanding of the fact that I've had pretty negative relationships in the past. We had one night of pionate night where I ended up sleeping at his place but didn't go "all the way". After that he still seemed keen to see me, told me spending time with me was the most important thing. So about a week ago I was at work when a text message came through from him. We were meant to arrange a time to meet later that day so I thought it was about that. But it wasn't, the text just said "I should be free around 6 if you're still keen to meet for a s&^%!". I ume he meant 'shag'. The first thing I thought was that he had accidentally sent me a text meant for another girl. Was I wrong? Could it have been a bad joke? Well I got quite worked up and replied " you obviously sent that text to the wrong girl. I don't think we need to see each other again. Good luck to you". He didn't reply. The next day I text again thinking I'd been harsh and asked him if I'd got things wrong and tried to give him a chance to explain. He still didn't reply. It's now been 5 days. I sent him another text today saying I missed him and would really like to see him if he wanted to. Still nothing. I'm pretty fed up and I can't figure out why he won't talk to me. What do you guys think?
How do I fix a moped carburetor?
I think the moped works fine, it's just that the vacuum on the carburetor wont work, so the gas can't come out. How do I fix it?
Orange PAYG mobile?
I've had two text from 'Orange' saying that I can get a free text for every text I send for the next six months if I reply 'yes' to them. the number given is 1164. I have emailed Orange to ask if this is genuinely theirs or is it a hoax but whereby if I reply, it costs me �1 50. As usual, orange haven't replied yet. Has anyone else received such a text and is it genuine?
So whats up with her and her smile? just a friendly person?
it could be anything..maybe she digs you or maybe shes just a nice person. You should get to know her, I mean you guys are on the same team. Just get to know her and see what she's all about.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Can you get wic without medicaid?
I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I was taken away the rights of medicaid because I no longer wanted to stay with my mom anymore she took me off her coverage,they told me since I work I make to much how is 400 and something a check alot but I just wonted to know what I should do.
End times a self fulfilling prophesy?
How many would agree that getting worked up over the end times is the real danger, and that not buying into it is the best option?
Does pacman do anything exept?
Throw a football at a guys nuts and then throw money in a guys face? i think that he should of just took the year off from the NFL, im sure he has the money to. the only entertaining thing ive seen him do is when he did the spray paint stuff
Everything I need for a rat starter kit?
Well first off, take out the wheel. They don't use the wheel, and if they do then it can severely hurt their backs. They're fine for the babies, but when they get older it's going to be more painful for them. The only other thing I can think of that you need is maybe tubes, like plastic ones or even just toilet paper rolls. They go crazy over them. :)
My mom is only happy when she's with her fiance?
I'm a 13 year old girl, and today, my mother and I ended up having a huge fight where both of us cried and yelled, etc. She said she was having a bad day. I asked her what's wrong, but she wouldn't tell me. After the fight, we were okay with each other, but my mom was still acting cold towards me. Now, she's been talking with her future husband on the phone for about two hours,and I've heard enthusiastic talking and laughing, and I feel as though my mom is only like that when she's with him. With us, she's distant, her mind is always somewhere else, and she never bothers to even really talk to us or ask us, her children, how our days are going or anything. She's only perky and happy with her fiance. Am I just imagining this, because I'm jealous of the fact that he can give her something that my brother and I cannot?
Did anyone else see the awesome airplanes today in the Arlington, Texas area?
It was somewhere around 5:00pm today. I heard them just before I saw them, and then they were gone. they must have circled around about 4 or 5 times. They looked so cool, and they were probably the fastest planes I've ever seen. I was curious whether there was an air show or something.
10 - 14 year olds what do you think of this party (Parents also Welcome)?
That sounds like it will be a great party...A treasurer hunt might be a lot of fun too with clues that lead all over the building. and maybe a Hawaiian dance contest. have a lot of fun it looks like you are doing a great job
Please rate and fix my D.D Synchro Deck. (Easy 10 points!)?
Its perfect!!! i love what youve done with dark armed dragon. i though he was dead by now considering that he was limited to one thanks to the new banned list. you will most likely kick the first few rounds but as soon as you get to someone with black wings you will get eliminated. I dont run them myself but my (teledad) didnt stand a chance against them, this was before the new banned list came out. You probably know this but in case you dont (teledad) is the combination between krebons and dark armed dragon along with some distiny heros. this combination was considered lethal and only gladiator beast were good enough to stand up to them, well.............................. see ya!
Just keep practising! C'mon..You can do it! Practise running / jogging. Sometimes you might get bored of it...And if you do try skipping. And to make it even more fun - Listen to music! Hahahaaa xx
Where can I download free videos of barrel racing? <-- insert the link of the video you want to download from youtube and it will download it to your computer completely free! its how i make my youtube vids!!!
Prone or not prone.............?
I can be a drama queen depending on the situation and how bored I am. Last time I fluffed my story up was when I told my hubby how bad my head hurt so I wouldn't have to go to the in-law's.
Question for coppers:What experiences have you had with travellers?Good,bad or indifferent?Your view of them?
Good and bad. I've dealt with extremely hard-working honest travellers and astonishingly dishonest ones as well. But then you could take any section of society and say the same - apart from the press!
Depression,is there a way out?
What you need is a fresh start... Reorganize yourself... It may seem difficult to do so, but REAL friends could help you.. Getting rid of depression could be done step by step.. Find something that you can achieve, this could be anything from a simple task to arduous work. Once you accomplish one, feel and amplify the glory of finishing such a deed. And from there, keep repeating different activities to boost your confidence. Doing other activities, mainly sports, or anything that'll make you happy (except food and beer) could distract you from your depression also. I took up football to distract me from my teenage crisis (and lose pounds)
Ok so this is a serious question...?
I dreamed this morning that I was fondling my own , like them and maging them. What does this dream mean? Women you ever have this dream before? Do you know where I can look this up?
Bad dog fight and swelling in my dogs throat area?
Is there any major wounds such as bleeding? There could be a clot in the neck if so. Yes get her to a vet asap, remember dogs bites are infectious even to one another. The throat is a tender area and has a major vein running through it. This is the main reason dogs go after one anothers throats. If she is in pain you can give her a asprin if you are not able to seek medical attention, but a vet is a MUST.
How to build a ledge door?
If you're referring to cutting a regular door almost in half or about counter height, then you're referring to a "Dutch Door". First, you'll have to make sure the door you want to transform this into is a solid core door...Only because you'll need this for support once the door is cut. If you're planning on cutting a "slab", or smooth door, simply cut it where desired. If you're cutting a "raised-panel" door, then you'll want to make the cuts on what is called the "stiles" of the door. You see, the stiles are the shorter, horizontal boards that interconnect with the "rails" , the longer, vertical boards. Cutting on these stiles requires less work overall. Before you cut the door, make sure that you allow for the thickness of the shelf that you use...This is only necessary if you place the shelf over the top of the bottom section. Now, if you were to attach the shelf onto the top, but on the side of the door, then you wouldn't have to allow for this thickness...Another thing to consider is that you'll be needing to bore out an additional hinge on both sections of door. Other than that, this is how I fabricate a Dutch Door. I must warn you, this is a very hard project for a do-it-yourselfer. If you have some creative skills then you shouldn't have a problem. It's bad enough that door hanging is a cl all its own...I've known many excellent finish carpenters that couldn't even begin to successfully hang a door.
What do you think of the backstreet boys these days?
yah they're still making music. their last cd came out at the end of 2009 andandandddd they're still amazing!
Why MAN UTD is having such a fluctuating season?
there have been many draws and low level wins and shocking loses and RAMPANt wins ,,,,what may be the cause for that??????
Heat Rash?
I think i have heat rash aand i am a swimmer so its like impossible not to be in the sun.....HELP! i need a cure QUICK!
Can someone find me a site where i can buy the palm centro white with the grey ons? (pic included)?
LOL. Ok first thing, look on the at&t website and check if they have it. (If they don't look to see if you can make a special order ) Next thing you can do is buy a used one from Amazon or ebay. If not there then you can check other phone providers websites and see if they have them. Hope this helped!
What is your philosophy and what would you say?
If you mean your motto, then here is mine: If someone is too nice, get ready to get your lazer, dont trust them
Gee, if all of the miracles in the Bile are true, there must be overwhelming evidence in the world's records?
Yeah, I mean, we do have all the records ever written, preserved and locked away in air-tight compartments. Nothing ever gets destroyed, especially not dried out parchment or papyri. Oh, yeah, and those darn Hyskos, man, I mean the Egyptians didn't want people knowing foreigners ruled their land! The nearest printing press was in Memphis--not too far away. Also, I believe that they must have lived in a print dominant rather than oral dominant culture, so the rate of literacy and written records must have been high. Carl Sagan believed there were aliens in the universe! Pretty extraordinary claim, huh! And, you know, with all the twittting going on, those historians of the world probably got the news about Jesus lightning quick!
My 18 birthday is coming within 2 weeks and i have no idea what to do . any ideas /suggestions ?
I don't really know what to tell you, but i'm going to try. I'm turning 18 in a couple of months. If your family is like mine, then try to tell them what you'd like to do. You're only 18 once. Have fun with it. Good luck.
Does Jay Leno use swear words during his standup routines in Vegas?
We all know comics who are perfectly clean when they go on national TV but then turned foul mouthed when they do comedy specials on HBO or gigs in Vegas. Robin Williams, Whoopie Goldberg, and Rosie O'Donnell are three such examples and some of the most foul mouthed comedians on earth when not on national TV. I was wondering if Jay Leno is the same way? Clean on the Tonight Show, F words in Vegas? Any other "clean" comedians you know who swear like hell during other gigs?
Spitz.....primadona or justified?
a href=""…/a
How could we stopped smuggling inside around Indo-Bangla border?
The first ans covers every point also the justice dept should impose longer jail terms as well as very high penalties on smugglers and corrupt officials and security personal
Which spelling do you prefer? ?
I love Cara, because I just love the soft "C" at the beginning. I think it's very feminine and cute! Kara seems more hard and rigid. Go with Cara! Cara Elisabeth is gorgeous!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Ultima Online: ConnectUO, RunUO, Razor and UO Gateway?
I use to play Ultima Online constantly on player-run shards but stopped about a year ago. I've been thinking about playing again but when I go to all the software sites (ConnectUO, UO Gateway, RunUO and Razor), all the sites are gone, saying server can't be found. Are there still player-run shards? If so, where can I get the software, mainly looking for ConnectUO? I've been searching all day to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
What's better for elk .308 or 30-06?
I'm a newbie and am looking at savage rifles. They sell them with scopes, since I'm new I don't need a fancy expensive scope yet plus I don't have the money. I found a rem 700. W/ bushnell scope for $480 its a 30-06. I know that really good but can I get a .308 and isn't it cheaper for .308? I only have $350-400 to spend. What do I do how can I get a decent rifle for now on my budget and being a newbie to hunt elk? Help?
Would the UK be better or worse off by abandoning the US 'special' relationship for Europe?
The UK would be better off. The US is starting to decline as a Superpower now, we would be a lot more prosperous and powerful if we were properly integrated into the EU
Why did Pink Floyd deny that "Dark Side of the Moon" was written to coincide with "The Wizard of Oz"?
They claimed that the synchronization is purely coincidence. Isn't this almost impossible? Why would they say that? Just to add to the mystique of the album?
Should I put my yoghurt in the fridge or freezer?
you can put it in the fridge if not a cool dark space like a larder, if you want good bacteria eat live plain yogurt its far better for you has yoplait has to many calories and sugars.
What are good barrel saddles for thoroughbred built horses?
I have a quarter horse gelding that has alot of racing bloodlines and built alot like a thoroughbred. He is narrow with a good wither and ALOT of shoulder. I have a Marlene McCrae saddle now but it seems to be sitting all on his shoulders instead of on his back and withers. I think it is pinching him when he brings his shoulder back.. any suggestions??
Recommend me some doom metal?
don't listen to the guy who said cannibal corpse. i love that band, but they're not doom metal, they're death metal. a few good doom metal bands are electric wizard and bongzilla. bongzilla is obviously stoner metal though, ha. so is electric wizard sometimes. depends
Does this bother you? Poor example of Best Answer to population control issue question?
Sorry, but since YOU posted the question, YOU had the responsibility of choosing the Best Answer yourself. That would have avoided this entire situation. You get almost 4 full days to do this, so don't leave it in the hands of the public -- and then complain about what the public chooses.
The Odyssey , [ Siren episode] Help!?
Odysseus maneuvers his men safety past the Sirens while he alone listens to their song. How do the sirens tempt him?
Long list of football card prices i need checked!?
a href="" rel="nofollow" is a good source for checking prices of trading cards. Or you can buy the magazine for $6 at the local store.
What is high school like?
Lol it is not like Junior High, but i may feel the same your freshman year. I am a junior right now. Lol your hormones get crazy by sophmore year. lol will be a big thing at school. There will also be rebellion from your parents. You will feel like your parents are wrong like 90% of the time. and trust me you will get punished for doing things you feel is okay. Alot of people will be having parties. and people will be doing drugs and acohol. Lol unlike most people i am telling you that you should experiment with drugs and acohol if your curious because if you don't you'll only end up doing it in like college or after college where you might get addicted and become a acoholic and it will ruin your life. So experment now before its too late. High School is crazy, but everyone has their own experiences, its not a time to find yourself. Its a time to be completely confused about your identity, uaity, educational everyone will be out of control. You don't start to slow down and find yourself and stuff until College.
As Christ reversed many of the laws from the OT-why do Christian fundamentalists still defend the OT??
All Scripture is Inspired by God, literally meaning, "God Breathed". That is why it is sacred. But times change and that calls for different laws and ways so not all that was done in the old testament can be used today but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak
Gay bombs....The US winner of the 2007 IG Nobel Peace Prize. COULD it work?
Always face your enemy, attack from the rear can be fatal as Laurence of Arabia proved at Aqaba, and he should know.
How long until Iran is capable of producing Nuclear Weapons?
If Iran is in fact using its nuclear program to create WMD's as is being accused by the US, How long will it take for them to enrich enough uranium to begin producing nuclear weapons?
Why is it necessary for people to include the word f**k as part of their daily vocabulary?
It is so distasteful and smart alec and bratlike and arrogant and rude.....whats cool about saying the word f**k every second or third word.....sounds like somebody thats angry within themselves irrationally....its like a lot of **** coming out of their mouth.....what kind of fashion is that.....seems like the word will never go out of fashion sadly......
Is it true Spyder Rodeos only shoot High Quality Paint?
Im buying a used Rodeo, obviously, because its cheap. But that would be pointless if the paint i have to get is really expensive, aren't there some sort of cheap-o paint that will run in it?
Can the collapse of Theist belief systems be compared to the collapse of General Motors Corporation?
The basis of both entities are for economic reasons, although they provide different Goods and Services. Both are bloated and operate under false premises; producing produces that the population is becoming disenchanted with (although with GMC you actually get something tangible for your money) but because of entrenchment and financial reserves they will take years, perhaps decades or centuries; to finally die. Is this a fair comparison?
Am i being used, why is he doing this?
This kid was flirting with me, puttin his arm around me and stuff. My friends kept asking if i liked him and if we were going out, i kept on saying no. then later he went and talked **** about me, calling me ugly and stuff. i was really hurt by this. But, then me, him, and a couple friends went to the movies together. he walked away from the group during the movie and was like "Reyna, follow me" i didn't really want to follow him. i mean, i kinda liked him, until he said all of those mean things about me. but, i stupidly did follow him. we went to the other side of the movie theatre. he put his arm around me, and started stroking my elbow (kinda weird but it felt nice) and he kept putting his head real close to mine, and staring in to my eyes. But of course, our friends came over and ruined it haha. they were like, "aww how cute, you two should go out!" and i was like "shutup" and then the guy was like "you know, i don't like you like that" that hurt me even more. But then yesterday, he walked me to cl, and he said he didn't care if he would be late to his other cl. wtf?? okay he doesn't like me, fine, but why does he keep on flirting with me? he's not gonna get some from me, i mean, everybody knows i'm not a , i'm like, really shy and quiet and stuff. and i have not done ANYTHING inappropriate with a guy. how do i tell him to back off?
Serial numer never catch up in photoshop CS2?
my Photoshop CS2 30 days trial period expired. and I got the keygen exe. It gives the serial no. When I enter the serial number and click the "Activation Option" link, it will give me an error. it says " You must enter a valid serial number before activating online....". So Please help me to activate the photoshop CS2. I do not wants to install any other versions.
Mixed signals from a guy... should I stay or should I go?
It's upto you. But if it was me then the fact that he has to pretend to be someone he's not tells me a big deal...I wouldn't want to go out with a guy like that.
How much woul a pawn shop give me for a ipod nano and a ipod mini?
depends on the shop they usually buy it for 1/3 of what you payed and then sell it for 2/3 of what it would cost brand new or less.. but they always want to know there making a profit even if its just a little so it just depends..
Weight question please give opinion?
hello ladies and gents. im a 16 year old male who used to be heftily over weight. i was roughly 195 lbs. im now standing at 5'11 - 6' Ft tall and weighing in at 170 - 175 lbs. i have lost a considerable amount of weight and fat, but i need the opinion of you fit guys and gals out there. am i doing good weight wise and such? also, without going to a gym or workout tapes or whatever, how can i loose the most weight and fat possible in the next 7 1/2 - 8 weeks. please help and thank you
Whats with youtube videos of crappy rice racer cars?
its the only way they can make there cars look good. stock bmw or mercedes vs a stock honda, the honda would lose. they only race against stock cars cuz another suped up car would eat em alive. my basically stock srt4 waste hondas all the time
What do u have to say about the girl with red hand ?
some of the girls have a red or pink hand or maybe anyother other body part. this is commonly known as birthmark which is usually permanent. being a girl , most of the girls hv lot of problem with them, what do u think should their feeling be regarding their coloured body parts and what do u have to say abt such ppl. most of them beleive its a bad sign , so i just want to knoe what u have to say abt it ?
What are the very best books for book clubs to read?
Our library just got a grant. The librarian has asked my help in choosing book sets for book clubs. We'll get 5-10 copies of one book along with discussion questions. Since I have a book club, she asked me to help choose the books. We'll only get about 10-15 titles, so I need books that appeal to lots of people with most if not all having less than 500 pages. I'm not looking for a link with thousands of book club titles. I'd like to hear what your reading group has enjoyed the most ;)
What do employers want when they ask you to include your personal background in your resume?
I'm a fresh graduate, and I'm starting to send out resumes. One company replied to me and asked me to include my personal and family background in my resume. My resume already contains my career objective, educational attainment, extracurricular activities, skills (languages spoken, computer literacy), trainings and conferences completed, and personal information like contact numbers and date of birth and civil status and citizenship. What more do they want to see when they say personal and family background?
Good Idea for a Comic/Movie?
Good Idea for a comic.?Here's the plot. Jason Partokallos is a nerdy teenager attending University of Miami, and the son of a MS-13 gang member. Jason's father decides to rat out his gang and is killed. days earlier Jason is accidently injected with a syrum that is a mixture of liquid carbon fiber, liquid titanium, and genetically modified super DNA The syrum was supposed to go to the military but ends up in his flu shot. It turns bones and outer covering into carbon fiber, and his skull into the toughest, most durable form of titanium. He is given the power to fly, shoot fire out of his hands and his body, especially his skull, is bulletproof. Vowing to avenge his father's death he becomes Skullman, after his titanium skull wearing a skull mask and a flexible red and blue suit. Unfortuanatly life doesn't get any easier when he finds out his y redhead girlfriend Uma Williams is the supervillain Poison, who is trying to protect Jason yet still get away with her crimes, and get's an arch enemy in the Iron gagurnaut Iron Mask, who is really the leader of the vicous MS-13 gang that killed his father. His girlfriends don't get mutch better after Poison sacrifices herself for Skullman. His next girlfriend is Julia Knom, who is really a vampire. Skullman relleuctantly helps to lift the vampire curse form Julia after she saves him from Judas, who is reincarnated as a vampire. Eventually, Skullman get's back with Poison, and they try to work out their relationship even though Poison is still a criminal and Skullman still a Superhero while they help fight Black Cross, a ninja supervillain and master of the shruiken, who is sent by Iron Mask to asinate Skullman. he doesn't know what to do and goes under cover when the ninja goes after him but is secretly under cover as bone jaw a man who joins up with Iron mask then kills the ninja secretly then reveals himself when Iron Mask is weak. but then he comes to find out the person who killed his father the head of the gang is actually his uncle and his uncle was angry at his brother and killed him. But then an epic battle. but all of the sudden the undead body of the resurrected ninja by the supposed killed vampire comes after you and Iron mask escapes. he defeats the undead ninja and iron mask goes into hiding. He later discovers that the apocalypse is upon the earth and serves as a soldier of god as well as a vigilante, killing satans demons and saving the world from God's angels as well as satans demons. Does this sound like good comic? Does it sound like a good movie? If it were made into a movie, who would be the actors? If it were a comic or movie would you read it/see it? If t desn't sound like a good comic or movie or needs something extra, please give me some tips or give out your ideas. By the way, Great Romance helped with the script.
Catholics: How do you feel about the pope ending the concept of limbo?
a href=""…/a
Friday, January 13, 2012
Whats that move? i need help?
this family moves to a new house, really big, with woods in backyard. they hire a handy man who turnes out used to live their and killed his family. he terrorizes them by killing their horse and putting it in the pool. he locks the wife in a well filled with his familys corpses. the backyard has a name its like something evil if spelled backwards.... help? i know it vauge
Leadership help?
Respect is earned. Are you a leader or a dictator? I would tell my troopers to do something and if they wavered, I told them that I had done it before they went to boot camp. The best way to lead is by example.
I want a job at a clothing store but i have no "official" working experience?
i specifically would like a job at Hot Topic because the atmostphere and the type of clothing fits my "personality" but i have no official working experience, this would be my first job. I do however go to a vocational school and i am in a student-run floral shop. I have had to deal with customers on the level of giving them the arrangment/items they want have had to do paper work such as writing up orders, handling money etc. I have also done volunteer work a number of times. Can anyone give me tips/hint or ideas. i just need some feedback.
How do you report an hit and run? And how is it clified as a hit and run?
yes you should report it. and you should also take your mom to the hospital. you don't know if she has internal injuries. This is absolutely a hit and run. The driver should be arrested
Am i a good writer (harry potter fan fiction)?
you have a lot of potential and I don't think you should use it wasting your time writing fan fiction. Use it on writing original stories. You have a writing style that's really good for a fourteen-year-old, try and write your own creation and see what you get. :)
I'm allergic to gluten and dairy, what am I gunna do!?!?!?
this is NO wheat no breads cookies cakes etc i am gluten free now email me for fast food ideas rice corn oats fritos toritlla chips rice cakes soy crisp treat
Best way to describe debugging in Visual Studio?
I need it for a short paragraph on a PowerPoint presentation, which I'll explain in greater detail in the notes below, I'm just unsure how what to stick on the front that's easy to understand for young kids! (That's the hypothetical target audience)
Who saw Colton Orr punch the living daylights out of Todd Fedorik?
Omg that was freakin sick!! I wouldn't want to make him angry. I heard he had to stay overnight at St Vincents
Can the new Telecom Sim Cards work on a T Mobile Sidekick ?
Vodafone and telecom have the same shape sim cards. When i put the vodafone sim into my XT(telecom) it worked, but can that be reversed ?
Foreclosure/Rent question?
I rented a house that was sold in a foreclosure sale on 2/6/10.. my original lease agreement expired in january and the prior owner my lease was through did not charge me rent because of the foreclosure. the new owner who bought the house in the foreclosure sale wants me to pay rent to him and vacate the house in 90 days.. do I have to pay him rent, dont I have 90 days rent free to find a new place based on the 2009 tenant foreclosure act? or do I have to pay rent for those 90 days? please help..
What are your personal beliefs about what happens after death?
Do you believe you will be with family? Do you believe you will know other people in whatever heaven you believe in? Do you think it will be sitting around on a cloud and playing a harp, or is it more then that?
How much do corporate lawyers make in Atlanta?
I have a particular interest in becoming a corporate/business lawyer. I would like an approximation as to how much I would make my first year. Thank You for any help.
Would you want (WWE Game)?
honstly it dosent matter if i want the wwe game what i care about if they bring back the rock and that is the bottom line because i said so
Are any of these shampoos safe to bathe a cat with?
It is safe to bathe her, but is there a specific reason to bathe her? Cats are naturally clean and generally don't need our help. I don't know about the human shampoos for sure. As I recall these have pretty strong perfumes, so I would not use them. I would not use the animal shampoo unless it specifically states it is safe for cats. I would vote for a cat shampoo. If you and the cat are still bonding, you can get "Kitty wipes" or a non-rinsing cat shampoo.
Ouija board and weird things happening now..???
Ohhhhh and i was standing half in the doorway half out and it was dark buh i felt like something just walked past me and pushed against my shoulder, right after doing the ouija board. i think i might have seen a figure too as this happened buh i wouldnt say thats definite
Can someone descramble these letters??
Sorry, this is near impossible without knowing how many words and the length of the words in the answer.
Rate my yugioh black wing deck?
I stopped at Elphin the Raven and Gust the Backblast. They're both terrible cards. Your monster lineup is bad. You didn't make the deck any better all you did was slow down the lightning fast speed of Blackwings to a grinding halt. The deck is random and inconsistent and an insult to any serious, competitive Blackwing player. 2/10
Fantasy basketball trade should i accept?
accept that trade. nash is a double double guy every day and pierce is the leader of his team and always scores 25-30 points a game. start nash over rondo, trade roy, start pierce over smith. good trade!
Advice for a vey special relationship?
I recently went on a trip to see a friend I've had since the 5th grade to visit and see where she goes to school. It's a pretty long drive(4hrs), and was definitely a much longer drive than I would normally go on for most anything. As for the trip, we talked about our feelings towards each other. Both of us seem to have reciprocating feelings, which is awesome(I've been waiting for this for awhile). I said I thought it would be best to wait until she gets back in 9months or so. Anyone got any advice, tips, etc? This girl I consider to be marriage material.
I bought a low ph shampoo online. Does anyone know if these ingredients cause any good or bad side effects?
. For normal hair, the pH range is from 4-6, because those are the pH's that are closest to the hairs natural pH. If your shampoo has a pH thats greater than 6, it can dry out your hair or make it more brittle. If a shampoo has a pH of less than 4, it can make your hair look oily.
People tease me about being spoiled and rich but I'm not!?
Ignore them. They shouldn't judge you. That's rude. Next time it comes up just laugh and smile, and then change the subject.
Am i preg?
ok so the last 2 months my period has been brown and a little pink i have bithcontrol but last month after haveing my period for oly 3-4 days the pill was out i thought i would get more so the next 4 days me and my bf were haveing he must of cam in me at least 3 times i havent been on the pill since bc i missed the spand to be off of it i have been haveing really bad nipple pains and overy/stomach cramps i have been very tried have been haveing headachs and been haveing more craveings my back hurts alot and i can smell like crazy its been about 26 days since my last period and please dont give me answers like ur stupid if i am im glad ya i am young but its a baby so i would keep it i know it was a mistake and everyone make mistakes so dont harp just on me also i had just told my bf annd hes pissed
Marine is stumped can you help me?
ok i have the mos 3521 which is automotive organizational mechanic i'd like to know where its located, how long the wait is to get in it, and last but not least what will i be doing in the fleet marine force and what ill be doing for my cles
Suspicious bloodwork in pregnancy?
My niece is 20 weeks pregnant. Her blood work shows something suspicious. She's having a 2D sonogram next week. The last sonogram showed their baby had 10 fingers and 10 toes and was healty. What can the doctors be looking for? She doesn't want to talk about it but I'm worried sick.
Broken People I?
Breaking the will of the people has NEVER unified. Read your history, Pax. (Or is this a misnomer?!!?!?!) There is room for science AND religion. We're quite capable beings, if, being left "unbroken" we're given the chance...
If God is Most loving and Most Merciful, why did He create hell?
Clearly man created hell in an effort to frighten people into being faithful. The God of the Bible is only loving and merciful in the New Testament (well, mostly so, anyway.) In the Old Testament he seems to be a vindictive, jealous, insecure... You get the idea.
I don't want to 'force' my veganism on my baby?
no not at all, you are giving your child a choice and if you are a healthy vegan then there is no harm in your child havind a wide variety of foods, i wouldnt knoiw where to start with a vegetarian dish let alone vegan. just make sure she gets all the nutriets she needs.
White sore on my lip?
I woke up this morning with a white sore on my lip. It's raised and feels kinda like a canker sore, although not as sensitive, at least at this point. Does anyone know what this is? My only guess is a canker sore but I've never had one on the outside of my lip before. I don't think it could be , seeing as how I'm still waiting for my first kiss and rarely even share drinks with people. My lips felt dry last night and I got pretty sunburned 3 days ago. Thoughts?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wardrobe opinions?
what you say you where now is pretty much exactly what i was going to say i prefer, so i say stick with what you wear, if you change your wardrobe, people might call you a poser or something like that.
A D in AP statistics good?? If conditionally accepted?
ok so i got conditionally accepted to csu fresno though i had to talk to a admission counselor and he said that he'll put in a pplication for me for admissions and he will ask admisions to rethink their decision of denying me so what im worried about is that i know im in the border line but the thing is what should i do if i have a D in my ap stats cl should i stay in it or should i get out considering i already have my math courses done ( I dnt thnk going back to algebra2 is wise considering i ped both semesters with a B) and so im in the border line and i dnt know what to do pls help......
What Kind Of Padllock Is This? And How Can I Pick It?
There is a certain knack to opening these. You need to hold it one one hand, applying pressure as if you were trying to force it open, but don't use that much pressure. Now, start on the tumbler nearest the jaws that you are applying pressure to. Keep pushing quite firmly, and rotate the tumbler slowly until you feel something give' . There are three bars keeping it locked. When you get the first one right, there will be just two. Try the middle tumbler next, do the same thing, rotate it slowly until you feel something 'give'. Finally do the same to the last wheel. This should be easier. It might open now but if it doesn't start again at the first one, without moving the other two. Try each number in turn, it might open if not just to decide which number offers the least resistence. Same again with middle one and hey presto - it'll open.
Fantasy Football Trade: Matt Ryan, Michael Turner for Roddy White. I would receive Ryan and Turner.?
I think this is one of the better offers, and Turner is the key here because he fares well against bad defenses. Oakland, New Orleans, and Denver are coming up for him. What do you guys think?
Do you think this is possible?
Friday night I went out with a girl that I've liked for about a year now and we did used to kinda have something between us. Anyway we saw The Last Exorcism (we came to see Scott pilgrim, it sucked, don't watch it) and it just felt good to hold her her and touch her hand and have her jump into me when she got scared..anyways I also was addicted to and masturbation, but this weekend I haven't even felt the slightest desire to do that. Can being "in love" stop that addiction? And I'm only 14 btw:P
Will this get my arms really toned?
it will get u toned.. but u should also be doing other workouts as well.. your body is going to get use to it.. it will become too easy for u.. join a gym...
A question about my deck? Yugioh?
You have awesome cards from the looks of it. You have a great theme. By the way, I have less than a year of Yu-Gi-Oh! experience.(Although I watched the series when it first aired and collected the cards when I was 6 and started again when I was 13 last year and now I'm 14.) So in a sense, I'm an old timerr. Why do people say this deck is bad even though you won 120 matches? That, I'll never know. This question helped me too, since my fiend/zombie deck was considered "outdated" because I don't use cards from 5ds. Now I know to not feel bad because of insults directed to my deck. To improve your deck, why don't you use Ojama King? It looks weird but has a great effect! It makes the opposing player use only 2 monsters. Although you probably know that, so it was useless what I just said... Oh well! Hope I helped. Pikapika212, you said the same thing about my deck. I think outdated decks are the best!
...And my last question on this topic on "interesting" and "boring" people....?
In your own personal experience, would you say you meet more "boring" people than "interesting" people? Is everyone "interesting" in some way? Have you ever been in a place in your life (geographical or metaphorical) where you have simply met NO "interesting" people? Or does the problem really lie with you and YOUR personality?
Shouldn't we beware of Gordon Brown's attempt to slant the voting system so that he can make Lib-Lab Pacts?
Why do i feel unattrative to my fiance? men too please?
been w/ fiance for 4 1/2 yrs and have a baby of 7 mos the pln is to get married in Jul, had this pact no 2 mos before, anything but that is still ok, . For the first few wks of this pact he was all over me still. but now he doesn't try to molest me anymore, any chance he got he would try to before, even while the pact was going on, but now nothing, ive told him that i dont feel like he finds me attractive anymore, and he says its not true, it feels like hes trying not to hurt me, he doesnt try anything with me, before he wouldnt even notice other girls, ive started to notice he does now,i am so depressed i dont know if i should marry him anymore, i always saw myself being in a very l relationship with someone who found me attractive, i still want him! maybe its because of me having a baby dont think its the pact (weve done this b4 and he still touched and made out atleast. now nothing! no *** !) wt do u think am i unattractive? 1st b4 baby 2nd 2mob4 3rd 5mon be honst a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Syracuse fans unite!?
Through thick and thin. Always a syracuse fan. I hated it when bandwagons liked Syracuse after the 6 OT Connecticut basketball game. And than hate it when they go back to hating Syracuse because of their football. This is a post for the true fans!
Does a diaper rash look like this?
My baby is 9 months old, but hasn't had a diaper rash in 6 or 7 months, so I'm forgetting what it looks like.....can it have pimples? shes red on the edges of her labia, and along the edges of her cheeks by her rectum and also red along where her inner leg meets her labia. there are pimples in these areas as well...just seeing if it seems like a normal diaper rash or yeast or some food reaction.Also she did have a wet and mushy stool yesterday shortly before the rash appeared. Thanks : )
Ipod or MP3?
is there a difference between an Ipod and an MP3 player or is Ipod just a brand name? I use Windows XP and want to download music to a portable player. Please help an old guy with techno geek grandkids.
Looking for anyone that has used "Worldwide Travel Center" vacation certificate.?
I recently received a certificate for a "free" 2 night hotel stay from Worldwide Travel Center. This came after I made a charitable donation. Just from reading the certificate it seems like a scam but a Yahoo search of the company doesn't provide much information good or bad. I see that other people have asked the same question but I don't see any responses from someone that actually used the certificate or even tried to use it. I'd like to know if I should even waster my time with this certificate.
My husband claims our child as a dependent on his return. We file seperate. Can I claim EIC?
My ex-husband claims dependents for deduction purposes. The children live with me. I do not claim the children as dependents on my return, however, I want to claim them as qualifing EIC children. I am the custodial parent. I plan on filing as Head of Household.
Getting into an Ivy League School for college advice?
Everyone applying to the top schools has the highest grades in the hardest cles and very high test scores, and those schools take fewer than 8% of applicants. You need all that and a lot more to get in. Having someone say you're a great writer doesn't help you. Getting something published (and not vanity publishing) is the best way to go.
How do you say "Remember Me" in French?
I want it to be a command form. Like I am saying "Remember me!" ... I hope that is enough of a context. I ume it would have something to do with "moi", but I could be wrong. Native speakers or speakers with a lot of experience only answer this please. Thank you.
Bleached my hair and it's disintegrating and turning to mush. Cut it off and get hair extensions? Ideas?
Go to a good hair dresser and get them to create a cute, very short hair style for you. A lot of people think they won't look good with short boy-ish hair but as long as you are confident you can work it! After they cut it (don't let them blow dry it, straighten it, or ANYTHING) use a really good deep conditioner. Wait a week and see if your hair has gotten any better (hopefully it will be). If it is, I would just use a dark brown or red for now to cover up the blond mess. In a couple of months when your hair is healthier, you can try going back to blond.
I have a problem with a pc game.. pls help..?
looks like lowering the refresh rates of your video setup, be it video card and or Monitor to a lower level. your HF is out of acceptable parameters.
Colic question?
Colic can strike any baby. If you first one didn't have it your second one could. They can cry up to 3 hours each bout uncontrollably and for no reason. They used to think it had something to do with trapped gas or some type of digestive pain but scientific studies have proven otherwise. It is just something some babies go through, opposed to something they have. Another answer suggested happiest baby on the block. Totally agree. It will give you some great tips on how to comfort colic and just the fussy baby, and put to rest the fear that your baby is in pain and you don't know what to do. If you baby is going to have colic it usually starts by week 4 and peaks by week 12. By four months you should have a happy baby. Doesn't mean it will last for four months just a wide spectrum guideline.
Hello, would you mind telling me the meaning of the words?
I was on vacation and I saw a "Vacancy" sign at a seaside motel (which meant that at least one of the rooms was vacant); upon entering the office though the clerk said that all the rooms were currently full, but one would vacate shortly.
What is the name of the movie I describe below?10 points to first good answer?
I just remember a scene from a trailer and the guys making a phone call in the desert then i think someones in a officer saying kill him. then either some helicopter or a drone comes but he gets away i think
Does a 79 chevy engine fit into a 84 trans am or firebird?
yes but you will not have an overdrive. You will also have to buy an adapter to go on the end of the transmission so the brace that bolts to the rearend to your exsisting trans can be reused. It keeps the rearend in place with the correct angle.
What is the daily freebie code in red for the daily freebie on
If you don't have your magazine, posts the new list each month. Here's the link: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Do I have good taste in music?
Listen to what you like. If you need other people's opinions on your taste in music, it means you're self-confident.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Palm Centro Keyboard Light NOT ON?
If the func+P isn't working (I know your isn't over a year old). Call customer care (usually 611 on your phone), and tell them about the defect. They should send you another one for free.
Should I let it slip away again?
Its a very long story but i really need help with making my decision. Thanks to all who help. Ok so i am currently a junior in high school. My freshman year i started goin out with my ex. we were together for like about two weeks and then gt in a fight n it ended. well i met this guy which also went to my school. he looks like chis brown :) but neways i started to fall for him but i never thought he would feel the same way towards me. it turns out that we had a fashion show at school and he wanted me to go (he paid for my ticket). At the end of the show he confessed to me that he liked me. I was ecstatic. he told me so many beautiful things that no normal guy would ever say to a girl. Obviously i told him i felt the same way. We started getting closer but then one day my ex calls me apologizing so now i was stuck. i spoke to the look alike chris brown about it n he told me that if i really liked my ex he would understand. I ddnt know what to do. So later i made the stupidest decision n took my ex back. the chris brown dude didnt talk to me nemore. In the end we started fighting again and having problems and i always found myself regretting having chosen him. me n my ex eventually broke up at the end of my sophomre year. About to weeks ago i tried to reach the chris brown guy to apologize and i told my friend to give him my number but he never called until this past saturday we spoke for about an hour and cleared the air. Ive been thinkin about him ever since and idk if i should try talkin to him again or if he would want to? I dont wanna get my hopes up. I want to get a second chance and be able to do what was suppose to happen the 1st tme. What do you people suggest?
Help with flirting?
high school banter immature flirting? (e.g. you have pretty eyes, are they real?) any other ideas? the gal who will hear them is about 5'7" , brown hair, and white-if that helps...
Diplomatic immunity ...?
If a suicide bomber happens to be a diplomat and they claim diplomatic immunity ... will they get it by right or can it be waived ?
Is the warm winter in Utah retribution for the Mormon's Bigotry?
naw usually chrsiatians say the fires in california are responsible for the gay marriages or the hurricane in new orleans because of all the voodoo in new orleans, if it was becaus eof prop 8, there would be an earthquake, because UT is due for an earthquake.
Ladies: Would this impress you, or is it a bit silly?
I'm sorry. I would think you were arrogant if I were sitting in the car with you, and I'd be embarred.
Black Iron Sai Problem again!!?
The carbon is the black coloration on the metal. It is only on the surface and will wear off with use. Carbon is used in the hardening of the steel your sai is made of. It should be dark gray or black. Constant rubbing and the normal wear and tear will slowly remove the black and expose the gray metal underneath. I sincerely hope this answers your question.
How can I get help for my medical condition when I owe so much money that I don't have?
A year ago I started to have pain in my rectum. I had no insurance at the time but I got help from charity care. I got a colonoscopy and had polyps removed. They said I had internal hemorrhoids and a fissure. I had operation for fissure and then later for the roids. I had insurance for the surgery but the insurance would not cover it. Meanwhile I still have pain and I owe thousands of dollars that I don't have. How can I get around this?
Why has he gone all moody?
i've recently started goin out wiv dis guy nd i used 2 get on wiv his best friend really well but now his best frined has gone all agressive and moody and i don't know why. My friends say he's jealous but I'm not sure. Is he jealous? and if he is what do i do?
ovoal... it is in the isle where you would find gas releafe for adults... it is for babies and has a baby on the package.. this stuff worked wounders for my little girl.
Rivers Of Babylon- Sublime?
I'm currently trying to learn this song but was wondering if anyone knew the strumming pattern for this song if so you'd really help me out a lot! THANKS A BUNCH! =]]
IPod Help! syncing an iPod with a new computer.?
So I have an iPod touch second generation. I bought it in June of 2009. I had it paired with my iBook G4, but then in August of 2009, the iBook finally bit the dust. I just replaced it with a beautiful new MacBook Pro that arrived today. I'm a pretty proficient Apple Macintosh user, but I'm having trouble because my new computer won't transfer any music files that I didn't purchase through the iTunes Store. I set it to manual override and now I'm worried because the songs won't drag and drop anywhere except into a playlist on the iPod. HELP MEEEE!!!!!!
What do u think bout this girls and guy opinions just wonderin what u thought?
im a 14 year old teen girl. i go to a vocational/tech school but most of the new freshmen cl is guys like almost 3/4 but all in all most of the school is guys. as te final shop or trade i picked to learn throughout the 3 and 1/2 years ( i have acedemic and shop rotations) is electrical. what do u think about this like a girl going into a mostly male dominant shop or trade.? i love learning the trade!lmao i have a pink tool box to but yea whqt do u think guys and girls opinions, do u think ita ok for a girl to do that kind of work? do u see alot of women in the electrical trade? and ia it true u make more money doin that kind of work like out in tht feild or like that type of working feild? ive heard alot are starting to perfer women to go do electrical work over men lmao on a job site:) just wonderin ur thoughts bout this in general! ive heard many opinions somr for somr against!
Have anybody solved the perpetual motion phenomena?
I believe the problem with most of these inventions is that they use a lot of their own power to sustain themselves.I believe I have solved this .Will have a working model soon.
Why I can't see any planet or galaxy on my telescope?
I'm living in Malaysia. The sky is clear, but I can see moon clearly and it's detail and also star. (I'm using only cheap telescope, focal length 700mm.). But why I can't see planet or galaxy with my telescope while others can?? Is my country is not in the view range? Or the telescope is problematic???
8 week old waking up screaming?
Awe poor baby. I pray she gets better because that's heart breaking. My advice to you, tell the doc all that and see what he can do. God Bless your family.
Need some nice scents?
im 18, a kina surfish, girly. i love the latin culture and also british settings.....i dont know wut fragrances i shud get 2 suit my personality.....i also want 2 stand out and be known for smelling seductive, heavenly and pretty....nuttin like anyone me!!!!!!PLEASE
If the smallest reading on calipers is 0.1mm...?
The would read somewhere between 4.7 and 4.8. You don't actually round up or down, you estimate one more decimal place than is marked on the measuring device.
What was the name of the movie with the crazy druid nanny and the bleeding tree at the end?
This couple has a kid and hires the nanny. The nanny runs off with the baby to feed it to this big ugly demon tree. Baby daddy shows up with a chainsaw and kills the tree. As he's cutting the tree it gushes blood everywhere. I think this movie came out around '88-'89. Help me please. Nobody seems to know this one.
Has your loved one had dementia / alzheimer's?
I am a nurse aid and have worked worked with dementia patients for over 5 years. !st thing i would like to say is you are doing a wonderful thing. Alot of people dont really know what dementia is. I have a few ideas that might help you out. Talk to some local churches to see if you could hold a benfit dinner for those strugging with dementia. Talk to other local organizations that might be able to get the word out to help with fund raising. schools or newspapers could also be a possibiltiy. I hope this helps you out. And your a great person for wanting to help.
Why is the hymn "blessed be the tie that binds" significant in the play our town by thornton wilder?
A choir sings the hymn “Blessed Be the Tie That Binds” in the background three different times throughout the play. In part, the repetition of the song emphasizes Wilder’s general notion of stability and tradition. However, the Christian hymn primarily embodies Wilder’s belief that the love between human beings is divine in nature. The “tie” in the song’s lyrics refers to both the tie between humans and God and the ties among humans themselves.
So, we beat Croatia, who still feels we cant get to the finals?
They are meant to be the 5th best in the world and we smacked them, ruined them, they wanted to go home after 60 minutes, get in lads
Is there a legal right to my parents to vacate their home so that they can live peace fully?
my parents are humiliating by my brother's wife .they are living in a joint family. my brother is a only son my father is a retired government officer.the house is owned by my Father. after being troubled a lot my parents want that son and daughter-in-law should shift
How good would Yao Ming would of been if not for injurys?
If Yao Ming stayed healthy he would have been one of the best centers of his generation and ultimately would have ended up in the hall of fame because he would have been a 15 time all-star.
Help on improving a yu gi oh deck?
if you like dragons play disaster dragon, keep ur cards at 40 a href=""…/a
How is the amt. of child support to be paid by an ind. calculated in the state of Okla?
I need to know a ballpark figure that would be paid for 2 children, ages 5mths & 5yrs. The custodial parent makes approx. 1,200.00/mth before taxes.
Where can I find a perfect Animal Crossing floor plan?
I got Animal Crossing: City Folk and I am trying to get a perfect HRA (Happy Room Academy) Score. I've searched and found things to help me, but I'm trying to find a blueprint, floorplan, or at least an image that I can mimick.
Cancer and Aquarius?.....?
I'm a very typical cancer female and had a fabulous relationship with a very aquarius male, guess it does depend on alot of other things though whether any relationship will work
My new kitten is very vicious and mean?
I've had kittens before and NEVER experienced anything like this. I picked up a kitten today, I was weary because the first time I picked it up he immediately clawed me across the chest, but, I continued to take him home. His owners were very drunk and had many cats. I felt horrible and thought I could offer him a better place to live.The entire car ride home he meowed SO loudly and insisted to come to the front seat, so my boyfriend brought him up. I know cats don't like cars anyways and he wanted out of the crate so I let him out and he crawled behind my neck and scratched me all over. The back, the shoulders, all over he actually drew blood several times. As soon as we got back to the house he went ape again. He punctured me in the chest so I decided to trim his claws and he clawed me in the face and has been growling. I squirted him with some water and he calmed down. I am pretty sure that his previous owners got him drunk or stoned because he is wobbly and has no coordination. I don't know if I can keep this kitty, I already hate him. I want to give him a chance, but he is SO mean.
I am on hiv tail therapy and i take a lot of pills and what not for me to live i have asthmna and i am an?
i am on hiv tail therapy and i take a lot of pills and what not for me to live i have asthma and i am an artist so to speak i use a cleaner caLL M.E.K. TO CLEAN my brushes and i take sudafed for my allergies i am be charged with under the influence of methamphetamine and i want to know if i don't take the chemical can my meds or my hobby cause this incidence of false positive for meth
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Somebody recommend me some.....?
...punk along the lines of The Misfits? I'm really starting to get into their stuff. So please give me some bands or songs like them.
So they have made it even easier for England to qualify?
england will definitely qualify, maybe a loss or two. they need to find somebody foreign to take over the team, fabio capello has expressed interest which would be wonderful. as far as england getting it easy, look at group 2, once again greece gets an easy qualification(in comparison with their euro 2008 group), and group 5 has spain the rest of those teams are the type that'll upset a top team every so often but not consistently good enough to challenge for a spot in the WC.
Does anyone know any cheap furnished apartments for rent(for travellers) in Australia?
Have you considered Caravan and Tourist Parks? All towns and cities have them. Its a good way to see the country and meet people. You'll also meet other travelers with similar plans to your own. You can buy a swag and a 3 man tent and travel light. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Or you can rent a furnished cabin or caravan without the hle of signing leases. Whatever you choose Caravan Parks are a good alternative to renting flats or apartments in the short term. If you don't like the park or your neighbours you just move to another park or town. Travel the northern part of Australia during winter and the southern part during summer. The ones by the sea are great. The longer you stay the cheaper the rates. a href="" rel="nofollow"
What would your dream government be ?
Me and the guys from the neighborhood deciding what is for dinner, and whether or not to drink too much.
What's the most relaxing song you've heard?
Me: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Just Got a Lip Piercing, What Should I clean it with?
Alrighty, well, as stated, I just got a lip piercing. I am already nervous about piercings, since recently I arrived at a piercing pagoda only to have them get the gun jammed in my upper ear, the metal got stuck, and I recieved a horrible infection for a few weeks. Not pretty. But I got this one for free because I sold some artwork to them. Now, this was my first time there, and they told me to use Dial hand soap to clean it. Several other people told me the same. I look only though, and someone else said that soap and peroxide can actually DAMAGE the skin tissue, and to use Saline Solution. So what is better to use? Also, any tips on keeping it as clean as possible? And if it is the saline solution, can you use the same stuff as you would for contacts? Thanks for the patience.
I looked through his phone. What do I do now?
if you were sure it was just texts maybe you can forgive? but make him work for it! i had a boyfriend who was emailing women online cyber-... i was gutted cos it felt like he cheated on me, i forgave him as he didnt do nything physically.. and we were happy for a year. its entirely up to u but if u do tak him back tell him he cant text that girl again. purely out of respect for you as his girlfriend. good luck! xx
Help beating my older brother at pokemon?
well in my pokemon diamond i have all level.100 pokemon and they are all lengendary they are giratina with draco meteor,earth power,shadow force,and fly.mew has blizzard,solar beam,sunny day,and transform.raquaza has blizzard,ice beam,dragon pulse,and dragon claw.arceus has judgement,earth power,and i don't remeber the rest of the moves of my suicune has ice beam,auora beam,hydro pump,and blizzard.lastly but also not leastly lugia has sky attack,hydro pump,phycho boost,and last aero blast so you should be thinking of buying an action replay or using the gts my team is so powerfulit can beat your brothers team easy!
How does drinkin water make u lose weight?
drinking water doesnt really make you lose weight but it is very good for you. It an help in the weight loss process, b/c you are drinking water instead of juice, soda, or coffee. Water has no calories, no sodium, no nothing. Also, it helps get rid of the sodium in your body which can make you seem bloated. It has also been known to give you great healthy skin. So even though it does not make you lose weigth, it is very good to drink water.
Pravda (and they would know) says America's "descent into Marxism happening at breathtaking speed". What do yo?
It would take something like PRAVDA to recognize fully what Barry is doing to the nation so Yes I believe this IS the case. Why in hell are we NOT stopping this fool is the biggest question!
Where did the free site disapper to?
I've been playing solitaire mahjongg at the free site for several years. Suddenly, today (4/23/07) the site disappeared -- anyone know where it went? Tried tracking it to the domain site, but it's all in German. Translation is not so great, but I think it's for sale again. Last time it was for sale, you could still access it. I'm on a Macintosh computer and can't use any of the other free sites -- anyone know of other Mac-compatible Mahjong sites? Thanks for the input!
Why is I'm not making money or selling anything on Ebay?
I'm a retailer and I registered with legitimate wholesaler who required reseller's certificate ID and dropships for me. I listed 10 different items, from motherboards to CPU, Harddrives, Usb drives and others. I never made one sell. What's wrong?
How to handle this kind of guy?
My crush and I have been this highly emotional yet not intimate relationship for a little over a year now. I can't tell if he likes me but doesn't want to be intimate or if he is scared of making the first move? He always stares into my eyes, makes suggestive comments, etc but he won't act on those comments. Is he just shy, playing with me or waiting for me to make the first move?
Can someone please help me with these questions????
No, these questions have been asked a ton of times, try looking back at older answers. or figure it out yourself.
What does the word enraptured mean?
the word enraptured is from the secret garden book and might be in the movie. the word enraptured is not in the websters dictionary.
My parents wont let me hang out with friends?
Whenever i ask to hang with mi friends mii parents always say kno summer is almost over and i havent seen my friends since June. They never state a rwason its really anoying i feell like i have no friends no one asks me to hang out anymore because i always cant go please help
TI 84 Linear regression, substitute x for a number then graph?
i was told to make a ter plot with a set of numbers by going to 'stat' 'edit' and putting in my numbers in the L1 and L2 column. after this im supposed to predict the outcome of furthur ranges given the domains, put i dont know how to get the linear regression to graph and thus find out the answer Help
What was the main factor that freed Soviet Jewry?
What do you think was the main factor that caused Soviet Jewry to be freed? Was it due more to negotiations and diplomacy or was it due more to the violent protests, tear ging at Lincoln Center during a Russain ballet, bombing of Soviet diplomatic targets and the other actions of the JDL (Jewish Defense League)?
What do you think about this...?
in 1954 the cia overthrows the governament of Guatemala and that trow the contry in 36 years of civil war...
We agreed to be only romantic friends, but then why? What's going on with him?
You need to tell him that you don't understand why he is not talking to you right now. Maybe he's with another girl right now and answering your text messages would be weird? I think that you might have a little bit more feelings with him than you want to admit, especially because you care about him avoiding you.
What does this creepy dream mean?
this sounds traumatizing, sometimes i get deja vu dreams they creep me out a lot but I don't know the answer why our brains dream whatever. maybe its just the halo game sometimes it gets to you..
Help out, suicide is on my mind, please listen?
please help someone. ima b fast about daughters n the hospital since birth, shes 5 moths. doctors say she wont make it past infancy, all my life has been very rough. drugs , ual abused, emotional abused , beatin by boyfriends,etc..really ima damage person. ok, my life has been a rollercoaster. but i kwn lifes life. so i take it n run wit it. i think i have ptsd. i dnt have insurance, were can i go n get help. i wish somone can explain to my mom that she needs to stop being mean to me.i wish she understood, she just says suck it up. im over the edge, noone understands the pain i go through everyday n my mind. i want out! n i dnt want to call no hotline! y cant my family stop critizing me n judgin me. im cryin 4 help. sorry so sloppy
Does any one have a solution to the z2k9?
instead of ppl telling your story tell me a solution to the problem that doesnt require me to tear it open with a screwdriver. i dont want to pay $200 for a new mp3
Iwant to know atleast ten most horrifiying movies ever imean scary scary!?
im so tired of the same ol clics like freddy,jason,micheal,exorcist,shining,th… haunting and all that stuff iwant something different suspensful somethin thattll have me leaning on my chair! help plzz imean sooo scary i wont sleep for days
Monday, January 9, 2012
What is a good string quartet piece to play?
I'm a high schooler in the honors orchestra and I play the cello. What is a good and fun piece for a quartet or a small group to play?
Well i wanna know if i really can rap?
raping name cy the prime this is a little part of a song tell me if i good or not yes i am the beast beat me 1 time and you will be decased raping like cy the prime i am me come from east texas aka thats da 903 im raping alone i dont need no feat am king of the throne i cant be beat got a track game on like flash i cant be seen got da Js on as i step up on this secne like magic abra cadbra could you believe me when you see me or hocas poches 123 say 456 its time to walk in my feet like a sharks its time to feast like a deadly wepon up under the sea it would take a century to rap like me now you see it aint easy to be as great as me i blow up like a fire craker wait hahahah im just a rapper waiting for my line in the game like a actor break you down like scarface say alpacino if u wanna play all take u to the islands lets go that a part of it tell me what you think of it
What are the pro's and con's of the vlc player?
I downloaded this player because I needed a program to play certain movie and video clips that divx and windows media player couldn't handle. So now those videos are working on the vlc player wonderfully. But.... I need to know what the pro's and con's are and in particular how vulnerable is the vlc player to viruses? Does anyone have any complaints about it? Thanks!
Chemical Pregnancy?
First i wanna say I'm sorry for your lost. Your period may come back on when it is scheduled again or it can sometimes take 3months. But every women is different. If it takes longer than 3months to return you need to see your doc asap.
All democrats agree we must stay on course in Iraq? How do liberals feel now?
i don't care what the democrats in power say, we need to get out...i don't follow party just happens that 99% of the time i agree with the democrats.
Obama signed hate bill into law. Will certain books be banned or burned because they may incite hate crimes?
No, it means people will be prosecuted for attacking people because of race, religion, gender, ual orientation, etc. I find it interesting that Christians have continually opposed laws which make it a crime for beating/killing someone because they are gay. Is that because Christianity is ADVOCATING hating, beating, and killing s?
Have you ever seen a black couple adopt a white child? Using liberal logic this would also be called racist?
My point is enough with the racist BS. Who cares what others think? Why does the left act like babies? Grow the eff up already please!
Need (mature) male fashion?
brown-it's a better contrast with the khaki, and because it's basically a darker version of red, (red and black makes brown) it won't clash as mad with your polo.
Will the owner of the network be able to see?
they more than likely are not smart enough to look at any data you run through their router. especially if they left it unsecured. but if you're worried then just install a good fire wall. If you want to be sure, then lock them out of the router settings.
I've never seen a spider in my home since i hung up a stuffed tarantula in a frame 1 year ago. Coincidence?
We put an inflatable killer whale in our local since then have been troubled neither by sharks or it DOES work!
OLTL: wait, i still don't get it... Who's baby is who's?
We still don't know for sure which DNA results were changed. Clint told the guy to make sure that Brody was the father of his daughter's baby but he didn't say which daughter (he didn't know that Natalie was having a paternity test too). So far Clint's flunky only referred to "your daughter" but has never said a name. They've led us to believe that it was Natalie's results that were changed (which makes me question it) but we really don't know for a fact yet. Also, there's still the possibility that Marty changed Natalie's results, so it's all still up in the air.
What is an Annotated Bibliography?
Hi, I'm a 1st year at Uni, and I'm doing a group project on Barack Obama, we have to do an annotated bibliography on him, my section is democratic nominee, so i think I have to find journals and books on democratic nominee and write about them any help? + where to find sources?
Would it be inappropriate to bring my friend in to one of my therapy sessions?
So her friend need counseling? Well, she can talk to your therapist if she is a client. She needs to establish a client relationship. To make it simple she need to pay for herself. She can't use your session for herself as it is unethical. It is also insurance fraud. What kind of hard core question? Why can't she talk to her teacher? Is it murder?
Which boys name do you prefer?
can you tell me which name you think goes best with his surname = VERNON-ROYLE and brothers names shane and reece. the choices are XANDER CALEB and WYATT. thanks.
How to win your husband back?
I was feeling abandoned and as if he didn't care about me anymore. I always went out alone he never took me anywhere. One day I decided to kick him out and he left..My whole reasoning was to see if he would miss me again and we could fix things..but now hes with some other girl..I'm happy for him because I do love him and if he was unhappy with me than so be it but..We have a 2 year old son and I really want to work things out I love him him will all my heart and I guess I shouldn't have been impulsive and now I'm paying for it. I've seen him several times with this girl..He says they are just friends but I'm not sure about that..I asked him to go out to dinner with me today and he accepted. Whenever I talk to him hes like "im not sure if I want to do this again." how do I make him fall in love with me again without pushing him away. Should I just stop talking to him and only talk to him about our son or what? I don't know what to do..Hes been out the house for a month..and hes living at his moms house..he says he is going to start a business and get a house and blah blah and hes kind of insinuating that our family held him back. I hate some things about him but I love him..I need to go to counseling haha I sware maybe I'm just use to be being with him..after 10 years its hard to adjust..
Js.worthathousandwords VIRUS??
I can open an email for about a second, then my screen is redirected to and I cannot get back to read my email.
Pleco with african cichlids?
hey i have a 55 gal tank and im going to do an african cichlid setup. i wanted to know if i would be able to put my pleco in the same tank as them. im not worried about him getting eaten, but im not sure if the water conditions will hurt him as the cichlids require a fairly alkaline ph. any advice would be much appreciated. thanks
Looking for a book on Astral Projection.?
Hello. About a year ago, I read my first book on astral projection, and it got me into the occult. I have since then deleted it, but now regret this, as I feel I am missing a part of myself. I need it back, or at least the name of it, since I can't remember the name. I can remember one page describing the lower astral planes, where the author sees two hooded figures run past him, and another one where he goes to the higher planes and encounters an elf. He also talked about the void quite a bit. I believe the author had a Hispanic name, but I can't be certain.
Which Name Sounds Better?
A full name is more interesting if the number of syllables in each name are different. I would pick a name from the first list - Angela Raine Spencer.
Should I Wait For Her?
Move on, you two are in very different places in your life. You are missing out on a lot of good things by letting the idea of being with her control your life.
What's your opinion of the twilight cast (cast inside!!)?
i like them all. im counting down the days until the movie comes out. woo hoo im so excited. ive read all the books like a trillion times now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some Good places to travel?
me and my friend are making a list of things we would like to do in our life together. Our own little Bucket List if you will. And we have added several things already most of which involve traveling.---Skydiving, Bungie Jumping, Vegas, A Cruise, Europe, Brazil, Mardi Gras. What are some other great places to travel, festivals or events to visit, etc.,
Help! I need a song for a high soprano that is fast paced!! :)?
Im a high soprano, G below middle C ish to 2 octaves above Middle C. I need a fast paced song that's easy to sing! :) I have an audition FRIDAY and I haven't found a song in the month and a half I've been looking. Please help! :)
How do I see the Meta's backstory?
According to the Red vs. Blue wiki, the Meta's backstory has been at least somewhat revealed. What I know from the site is that he was igned the Sigma A.I., trained with agent Washington, sustained multiple injuries during training, and was out of commission for the rest of the war. My question is, what part of Red vs. Blue is that from? It's obviously not in any of the first eight seasons, so I guess it's part of a mini-series or something, but which mini-series is it? Otherwise it's in season nine, which I haven't watched yet. Can anyone enlighten me?
What's a good method for astral projection?
I have had a few out of body experiences in my past, but only one of them was self-initiated. I know that if you meditate and let your body fall asleep with your mind still awake, you can do it, but I haven't had much success recently in my attempts. As soon as I feel my body "vibrate" I lose focus. Do any of you project? If so, what suggestions can you offer me?
My brother shouts at me when I quarrel with my mother and she likes it?
my mother bothers me and when I want to defend myself she threatens me that she will speak to my brother
TSA airport essment........?
Does anyone know how long it takes for them to invite you? My dashboard says i've already been invited but I haven't gotten a call or email. Its been like that for about a week now..
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