Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kevin Gotti: Italian Mafia What happen to Kevin Gotti? Is he dead or in jail? Was he murdered?

Kevin Gotti: Nephew of the popular mob boss John Gotti. Even though he was young and inexperienced, He was ahead of his time. Only age 28 now he is still showing leader boss skills, Kevin Gotti of Bronx, New York is one of the most ruthless people in New York City and is showing mafia style skills in his own fashion. The mob in nyc died down when John "Taper Don" Gotti was taking down and locked up where he died in 2002, Kevin Gotti was starting to make a name for himself and all watching thought the Gotti legacy lived on but in 2007 Kevin Gotti now 28 disappeared and was unheard of ever again. Is he dead or locked up? Maybe had a change of heart and decided to live a normal life outside the spotlight. Last I heard he moved to the midwest in Oklahoma City but who knows? Maybe it was for the best, Maybe the mob is really dead.


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